Michael Deсk

Michael Deak

Original Compositions


Piano Sonata 'Contrasts'

KomponistMichael Deсk
VerlegerMichael Deсk
Genre Klassische Musik / Sonate
Instrumentierung Klavier
Partitur fürSolo
Art der PartiturFür einen Interpreten
Satz, Nr. 1 bis 4 von 4
Länge 27'10"
Schwierigkeitsgrad Schwer
Jahr der Komposition 1979
This work was written as an homage to two of the most influential composers of my student days--Paul Hindemith and Maurice Ravel. The title--"Contrasts"--was chosen, because I featured elements of each composer in the same work. Movement I comprises elements of Hindemith... movement IV features elements of Ravel. The inner movements, II and III, contain stylistic material of both composers and are meant to act as transitional components for the entire work.

Datum des Uploads 19 Feb 2011

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